data viz, websites, seo, photography, bio

I’m interested in creating situations where people around me experience true insight, and gain the deep knowledge that will help them to see something truly exceptional.

I believe that these moments can take the shape and form of things that we can’t always predict or plan. One strategy I have found to be successful in any role is that by simply asking myself–how can I truly assist others to make their job easier? What can I do to make my company, my boss and my colleagues look good? Focusing on the answers to those questions has always helped me stay on point and an task, even when the goals might be a little unclear.

Regardless of the role I’ve assumed professionally, the mission is always the same. It’s a cycle of exploration and discovery. I would define my career summary as a combination of my actions, my successes and failures. My “ah ha” moments define who I am, and when I have the opportunity to share one of these moments, I’m happy and excited to share.

Building close relationships with my core group of colleagues and friends has not only allow me to stay networked, but also gives me an even larger pool of knowledge and resources to achieve my personal and professional goals.

The MY NASA DATA Website
The MY NASA DATA Website has been re-designed!

We just launched the new and improved MY NASA DATA. It’s more responsive and looks great on all devices. Check it out!







AGU Fall Meeting logo
See you there!

American Geophysical Union – AGU – San Francisco, CA USA — December 14-18, 2015

The ability to collect and visualize data from remotely operated vehicles has provided scientists, science educators, citizen scientists, and students the opportunity to explore their fields of study in ways that were unavailable just a few years ago. 

This year, science and technology teams at the NASA Langley Science Directorate were challenged with creating an API-based web application using RockBlock Mobile sensors mounted on a zero pressure high-altitude balloon.  The system tracks and collects meteorological data parameters and visualizes this data in near real time, using a MEAN development stack to create an HTML5 based tool that can send commands to the vehicle, parse incoming data, and perform other functions to store and serve data to other devices.

NASA developers and science educators working on this project saw an opportunity to use this emerging technology to address a gap identified in science education between middle and high school curricula.  As students learn about data analysis in elementary and middle school, they are taught to collect data from in situ sources. In high school, students are then asked to work with remotely sensed data, without always having the experience or understanding of how that data is collected.

We believe that using ROVs to create a “big data progression” for students will not only enhance their ability to understand how remote satellite data is collected, but will also provide the outlet for younger students to expand their interest in science and data prior to entering high school.  
In this presentation, we will share and discuss our experiences with ROVs, APIs and data viz applications, with a focus on the next steps for developing this emerging capability.

Screen Shot 2015-09-15 at 10.47.43 PMMaking Decisions Through Visual Data — September 9-10, 2015

Presentation: Curating Satellite Data for Students, Educators, and Citizen Scientists

Data visualization hinges on one key aspect: its relevance to our users. Our audiences are desperate for data that speaks to their needs and supports their research. NASA has hundreds of thousands of gigabytes of data that are accessible, in theory, but how easy is it for the average person to navigate the varying interfaces, formats and ftp sites? The MY NASA DATA project is focused on finding relevant data within NASA’s data centers and curating this data into a usable format for students, teachers, and citizen scientists to use within their explorations. How do we empower our audiences with simple, easy to use tools that level the playing field with research scientists? During this session we’ll examine the processes we are using to connect users to data, through the use of transformative processes and next generation tools that allow users to extract real meaning from research-grade data. – See more at: